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British 303 Enfield Rifle Markings

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British 303 Enfield Rifle Markings

british enfield rifle markings

This example has desirable RAF markings, and is in very good condition overall. The non-mátching bolt has á mostly gray pátina with silvering aIong the handle, béaring surfaces, and somé mild spots óf freckling on thé brightly finished bódy.. A small import stamp is present on the right side of the receiver The original fIip-up aperture réar sight is compIete, but the distinctivé Mk. Click

british enfield rifle markings

A single magazin is included, s well as green canvas miIitary sling Also included is a 1907 Pattern bayonet by Wilkinson that has a 1915 date, and RAF issue stamps on the obverse pommel.

The blade nd hilt furniture ar in good shap with dark brwn mottling throughout.. The SMLE Mk V is a fascinating model, a link between the No No 4 series rifles, with about 20,000 manufactured between 1922 and 1924.. For your scurity, your session wiIl expire in 2 minutes and you will be redirected to the Sign In page. HERE

V safety is not; instead, the rifle has a Long Branch No The stamps nd markings on th left side ar still clear nd Iegible: E B A 6686; while the stock disk has clear RAF and Air Ministry stamps: ADME RAF 203 (Air Defence Ministry Royal Air Force).. This 1922 dated, ENFIELD marked rifle retains 80-85 of an arsenal reapplied, dull blue finish with some silvering and fading along the exposed edges, projections, and contact points. 0041d406d9 4